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The classical Ayurveda plant Karveer is co-related to the genus Nerium botanically. Bhavpraksh has mentioned about two varieties of Karveer; Shwet-Karveer (bearing white flowers) and Rakt-Karveer (bearing red flowers).. Botanically both the mentioned types are varities exhibited by Nerium oleander. Raaj Nighantu has described about two more varieties; Pitt-Karveer (bearing yellow flowers) and Krishna-Karveer (bearing dark-coloured flowers). Many scholars co-relate the plant Thevetia peruviana as the probable source of Pitt-Karveer. Interestingly Thevetia peruviana is also discussed as the source of another classical plant Hapusha. Nerium oleander also is reported occasionaly to bear yellow flowers as a variation and hence Pitt-Karveer can be co-related to the same. The Krishna-Karveer variety mentioned is not heavily researched and requires further investigation with respect to its botanical identity.(This abstract is borrowed from the research thesis by Dr. Sumit Ashok Kesarkar and is copyright protected).